Saturday, September 1, 2012

Has it really been that long?!?

Wow!  It's amazing how fast time flies by!  Logging in to attempt another blog post, and I realized it's been a whopping 5 months since my very first post!  Eeek!!! 

Well, life really has been busy.  This summer was all about the kiddos--keeping them entertained, keeping them educated...and keeping them from fighting with each other. ;-)  We actually tried to keep the summer very low-key. 

As much as we would love to travel, I feel like the summer is our time to recover from school work and all of their activities.  My middle girlie did do a one-week gymnastics camp, and we participated in VBS (my two girls were crew members, while my son and I were crew leaders for the Preschool Games--holy smokes those little cuties wore us out!!!)  Other than that, we took it easy. 

No fixed plans each day, just go-with-the-flow, spending quality time together, and taking the time to relax and actually have conversations with each other (imagine that!)  There's nothing like the relaxing/lazy days of summer.  But, boy-oh-boy, by the end of our 8 (eight!) weeks of summer, we were ALL ready to start school and activities.  I tend to forget how amazing it is to be on a schedule!!!

Funny thing is, we started the year as slow as possible--easing back into homework schedules, not signing up for activities...but, at the end of the month, the three kiddos are signed up for 5 activities in all, and we are pondering signing up for another 4-5 more!!!  Why do we do this to ourselves?!? :-P  On top of that, hubby's job is picking up, requiring more travel, and my Three Sweet Smiles Designs business has been growing in wonderful ways! :-)

I guess that's what keeps us going--busy-ness!  Laziness is impossible if you don't even give yourself the *chance* to ponder the thought of stopping.  As long as we are keeping our lives balanced, and keep our distance from the border of being busy and being burned out, I think we'll be okay. <3

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