Saturday, April 14, 2012

My "First" Blog

Welcome to my blog! I have been wanting to start a blog forever, but could never figure out what to write about. Being that I am very similar to my dear mom, once I start talking, I have a hard time stopping... So, I will just put one letter in front of the other, and see what comes about!
I guess I will start by introducing myself--my name is Julie. I am a wife to my loving and hard-working husband, and mommy to my three sweet and amazing kiddos. We moved from California to Colorado almost six years ago, both for a lifestyle change, and for me to continue to be a stay-at-home-mom to my "babies." And, as my dear husband recently said (who was initially a bit reluctant to move here...), "I feel like I was born to live in Colorado!" Well, I feel the same way--we absolutely love it here!
Of course, now that my kids are getting older (and, being that I am a Capricorn...), I have a VERY hard time sitting still. Thankfully, I was introduced to the beautiful world of Pinterest last year. This has sparked a revitalized passion for my first love--CRAFTING!
I gradually taught myself many of the basic techniques for hair bows and hair clips. Learning through tutorials and advice from some extremely talented crafters/designers/friends, spending time watching many females in my family (mom, grandma, aunts, cousins) craft in my presence, and the hours of self-taught trial and error, I decided to start my own business. Thus, Three Sweet Smiles Designs was created!
With this blog, I am planning to share tutorials on making many crafts (including hair bows), as well as hairstyles (generally little girl styles, but there may be an occasional mommy 'do!) and will also share many recipes, both old family recipes, and new creations (being that I love to cook AND eat!), as well as fun ideas for the kids. I'm sure you are thinking, what the heck--hair AND food AND kids?!? But, that is my life, and that's what I know. :-)
If you have made it this far, I must thank you SO much for letting me share my thoughts with you! I look forward to sharing many wonderful ideas, creations, and overall love of life with you!
<3 Julie :-)


  1. Congratulations on your new blog! I can't wait to read more! I'm a new follower, but I noticed you don't have the GFC widget on your sidebar. It's easy to add, just go to "design" and "layout," then "add a gadget." Once there, scroll until you see "followers," then add it! =)

    I'm a CA girl, and haven't though too much about living anywhere else...But you shed some new light on the thought!

    Isn't Pinterest the greatest? I'll start following your boards too! So glad you stopped by and followed my blog, because now I can follow you on your blogging adventure (hairbows AND food AND kids sounds WAY too fun to miss out on)!


    1. Aww, Kim, you are so sweet! Thank you so much for reading all of my "rambling!!!" <3

      I really appreciate your advice on the "followers" gadget...I just hope I did it right! Although, since I am so new to this, I might end up bombarding you with blog questions! ;)

      I had never imagined living anywhere else, either--I mean, there's a reason *everyone* moves to California, right? :) I really thought it couldn't get any better than CA! But, it's been such a great (and sometimes a bit scary!) adventure to discover our new home state. The only sad part is that my kids won't grow up with the ocean nearby. My middle kiddo would have been an awesome surfer-girl!

      And, YES, Pinterest really IS the greatest! Life-changing I would even say! Thank you so much for following me (there AND here!) I appreciate your wonderful support!!! <3

  2. Congratulations on the move and putting family first. Colorado is beautiful. I stayed there for one winter and skied every day. Happy times (back in my college days). The air, though thinner than New England, was so clean and refreshing... like oceanside here.

    1. Thank you so much therightjack!!! I appreciate the support and kind words. I am so blessed that my hubby and were/are on the same page about moving states and putting family first. It was definitely a leap of faith leaving everything we'd ever known to move to another state! It really is so beautiful here. I've always loved the mountains/woods, so I am in heaven. And, yes, the air is very clean! It's funny that we thought the sky was SO much bigger here than in California...then we realized it was because there was no smog, and we could actually SEE the sky! ;-)
      Thank you so much for your comment--I hope you will be a regular visitor to my blog!!! <3

  3. Found you from etsy, the shop items are beautiful and really match your blog theme. :p Hope to hear more stories about being a mom and all the great things your kids do. :)

    1. Aww! Welcome--and I'm so glad you found me! :) Thank you so much for your sweet words. I will absolutely be posting more stories (hopefully soon!) I really appreciate your comments. <3
